Nicolas Bousquet

nicolas DOT bousquet AT cnrs DOT fr
Phone: +334 56 57 48 19

CNRS Researcher, LIRIS, Lyon, France.

Bureau H327
Laboratoire LIRIS
Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Bâtiment Nautibus
43, Bd. du 11 novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex - France


Since October 2016, I am a CNRS researcher. I am currently working in Lyon in the LIRIS laborarory in the team GOAL (Graphs algOrithms and AppLications). Previously I was in Grenoble in the G-SCOP laboratory where I was a member of the Combinatorial Optimization (OC) team.

My habilitation defense will take place in Lyon the 3rd of July 2024 at 2pm. The current (and not final) version of the manuscript can be found here and is entitled Journey on Configuration Graphs: Coloring and Independent Set Reconfiguration. The defense will take place in room C5 (now C008) in Nautibus building. It will also virtually streamed here.

Formerly, I was an ATER (temporary assistant professor position) in Ecole Centrale de Lyon during the academic year 2015-2016. I was a member of the LIRIS laboratory in the GOAL (Graphes, AlgOrithmes et AppLications) team. Before, I was a postodoctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University where I worked with Adrian Vetta. My scholarship was partially funded by the GERAD (Groupe d'études et de recherche en analyse des décisions) at Université de Montréal.

I have defended my PhD the 9-th of December 2013 under the direction of Stéphane Bessy and Stéphan Thomassé at the Université Montpellier 2 (LIRMM). Its title was "Hitting sets, VC-dimension and Multicut". The manuscript can be found there and the slides of the defense can be found there.

I am interested in graph theory, game theory and combinatorics. My topics of research include but are not limited to:

I am the french PI of the ANR project GrR (Graph Reconfiguration). I was the frech PI of the PHC franco-japanese "Sakura" project DATCORE (Development of Algorithmic Techniques for COmbinatorial REconfiguration). In 2019, I co-organized (with Marthe Bonamy), the third edition of the CoRe (Combinatorial Reconfiguration) workshop in Aussois (see here for more information).

Here is a list of current and former PhD students:


In order to access to the paper, click on the icon. To access to the slides of the presentations, click on the icon. When already available online, you can access to the paper on the editor webpage via the icon .

International journals

International Conferences







You can find the details and the slides of all my talks there. In this page, I just mention a couple of recent talks (to see the slides, click on the picture ):


I am, or have been PI of the following projects:

You may have seen me there:

Here is a complete list of events I attended to.