A list of my talks with the slides of the presentation (when such slides exist). To see the slides, click on the picture
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to see the video of the talk (when available).
When I gave several times (almost) the same talk, the slides are only proposed once.
Forthcoming talks:
Previous talks:
Connectivity of Configuration graphs (and its consequences on enumeration), invited talk WEPA'24, Kinugawa-onsen, Japan October, 22nd, 2024.
A journey on configuration graphs (graph recoloring), LACIM seminar, Montréal, September 20th, 2024.
Algorithmic aspects of token reconfiguration, Adrian Vetta's group seminar, McGill, Montréal, September 4th, 2024 (blackboard).
Extremal independent set Reconfiguraton, Umea, May, 16th, 2023 (online).
Fast graph recoloring, Cycles & Colorings (invited talk), September, 2022.
Galactic Token Sliding, ANR meeting GrR, Lyon, June, 2022.
- When reconfiguration meets arithmetic progressions (blackboard), Graph@Lyon seminar, June 2022.
Reconfiguration of Spanning Trees with Degree Constraint or Diameter Constraint, STACS'22, March 18th, 2022 (online).
Fast transformations between colorings, Budapest Zoominar, March 11th, 2022 (online).
Local certification of/on sparse graph classes, Graph Metric Workshop (CIRM) (long talk invitation), December, 10th, 2021 (online).
- Graph modification problems, Lyon Graph Seminar, December, 9th, 2021 (blackboard).
Local certification of/on sparse graph classes, Jagiellonian seminar, November, 16th, 2021 (online).
TS-Dominating Set Reconfiguration on circle and circular arc graphs, FCT'21, September, 14th, 2021 (online).
Independent Set Reconfiguration - Which price for locality?, CoRe'21 (sattelite workshop of ICALP), July, 2021. invited talk
Independent Set Reconfiguration - Which price for locality?, ANR GrR, June, 2021.
Independent Set Reconfiguration via Token Sliding, Séminaire GOAL (LIRIS, Lyon), (online), December 2020.
Independent Set Reconfiguration via Token Sliding, Séminaire Graphes et optimisation (LaBRI, Bordeaux) (online), November, 2020.
Reconfiguration of Spanning Trees with Many or Few Leaves, ESA'20, September, Online
Graph recoloring, many questions and few answers, ANR meeting GrR, Lyon, February 25, 2020.
- Simultaneous edge-coloring, AlCoLoCo Seminar, Clermont-Ferrand, December 10, 2019.
Graph Reconfiguration: From Statistical Physics to Graph Theory, JGA 2019 (invited speaker), Bruxelles, November 13, 2019.
- Computing cliques and independent sets in geometric graphs, Combinatorics Day, ENS Lyon, June 14, 2019.
Graph Recoloring: From Statistical Physics to Graph Theory, CoRe 2019, Aussois, May 17, 2019.
EPTAS for Max Clique on Disks and Unit Balls, Seminar ACID team, Durham, 28th, February, 2019.
EPTAS for Max Clique on Disks and Unit Balls, 9th Cargese Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization, Cargese, 18th, October, 2018.
Coalition games on interaction graphs, GT2018, Nyborg, 30th, August, 2018.
Reconfiguration of graphs with a fixed degree sequence, WAOA'18, Helsinki, 23rd, August, 2018.
Token Jumping on K_ll-free graphs, DATCORE Meeting, Lyon, July, 17th, 2018.
Recoloring, from statistical physics to combinatorics, One day Discrete Structure Meeting, ENS Lyon, June, 15th, 2018.
EPTAS for Max Clique on Disks and Unit Balls, OC team seminar, Grenoble, April, 27th, 2018.
Exact distance coloring in trees, ANR DISTANCIA, Marseille, April, 11th, 2018.
Domination in tournaments, Grenoble, October, 20th, 2017.
- Introduction to Distributed Algorithms, JCRAA, Grenoble, October, 2nd, 2017 (blackboard).
Domination in tournaments, GT "Graphes et Optimisation", Bordeaux, September 14st, 2017.
Token Jumping on Minor Closed Classes, FCT'17, September, 12th, 2017.
From auctions to graph coloring, "Do you need maths for being operational" day, September, 4th, 2017.
Token Sliding on Chordal Graphs, WG'17, June, 23rd, 2017.
Coalition games on interaction graphs, LIG, Grenoble, June 15, 2017.
Domination in tournaments, Birmingham, June 1st, 2017.
- A proof of a conjecture of Erdos-Sands-Sauer-Woodrow, 2nd Cassidian Workshop on Graph Theory, May 15th, 2017 (blackboard).
From auctions to graph coloring, Journée du G-SCOP, Mai, 12th, 2017.
Token Sliding on Chordal Graphs, BIRS Workshop, Banff, Canada, January 2017.
Coalition games on interaction graphs, Séminaire "Complex Networks" team, LIP6, Paris, November 15, 2016.
Recoloring sparse graphs, séminaire de l'équipe COATI, February, 22nd, 2016.
- Hitting sets and VC-dimension
, Séminaire Combinatoire et Théorie des Nombres (Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon), January, 19th, 2016.
On the Economic Efficiency of the Combinatorial Clock Auction, SODA'16, January, 11th, 2016.
Welfare and rationality guarantees for the SMRA, WINE'15, December, 10th, 2015.
Séminaire du Département MI de l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon, November, 24th, 2015, Grahes: partitions, coloring and structure.
Kempe equivalence of colorings, JGA'15, November, 4th, 2015.
Recoloring sparse graphs, Graphes@Lyon (invited talk), October, 8th, 2015.
Coalition games on interaction graphs, EC'15, Portland, June, 17th.
Student DMO Seminar, McGill, June, 12th, Coalition games on interaction graphs.
Coalition games on interaction graphs, ENS Lyon, March, 25th, 2015.
Coalition games on interaction graphs, Grenoble, Séminaire d'Optimisation Combinatoire du G-SCOP, March, 20th, 2015.
A Near-Optimal Mechanism for Impartial Selection, WINE'14, Beijing, December, 15th, 2014.
Discrete Maths and Optimization Seminar, McGill, September, 29th, 2014, Clique, stable sets and chromatic number.
Séminaire du GERAD, June, 10th, 2014, Clique, stable sets and chromatic number.
Journées Nationales du GDR IM, January, 29th, 2014, Complexité paramétrée pour des problèmes de séparation de graphes (in french).
JGA'13, Orsay, November, 14th, 2013, Erdos-Hajnal conjecture for paths and trees.
Séminaire AlGCo, LIRMM, Montpellier, November, 7th, 2013, Erdos-Hajnal conjecture for paths and trees.
Séminaire MC2, ENS Lyon, October 4th, 2013, Recoloring bounded treewidth graphs.
LAGOS'13, April, 26th, 2013, Recoloring bounded treewidth graphs.
Séminaire LIMOS (Clermont-Ferrand), March, 28th, 2013, Hitting sets and VC-dimension.
- BGW'12, Bordeaux, November, 22nd, 2012, Graphs with no cycle with a fixed number of chords (blackboard).
JGA'12, Clermont-Ferrand, November, 14th, 2012, Coloration arc-en-ciel (in french).
Séminaire équipe AlGCo, October, 18th, 2012, Clique / Stable Set separation.
WG'12, Jerusalem, June, 28th, 2012, Parameterized domination on circle graphs.
Semindoc LIRMM, Montpellier, April, 18th, 2012, Coloration de graphes: algorithmes et structures (in french).
- Workshop on coloration, Lyon, March, 19th, 2012, Scott's induced subdivision conjecture holds for maximal triangle-free graphs (blackboard).
Journées Agape, Montpellier, February, 7th, 2012, Parameterized domination in circle graphs.
JGA'11, Lyon, November, 15th, 2011, Conjecture de Scott pour les graphes sans triangle maximaux (in french).
STOC'11, San José, June, 9th, 2011, Multicut is FPT.
LIAFA, Paris, May, 10th, 2011, Multicut is FPT.
Tel Aviv, April, 3rd, 2011, VC-dimension and Erdös-Pósa property.
- Journées Agape'10, Montpellier, February 8th, 2011, Multicut is fixed-parameter tractable (blackboard).
JGA'10, VC-dimension et propriété d'Erdös-Pósa (in french).