Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- S() : CubicCurve2, CubicCurve, FrameScaled2, FrameScaled, QuadricCurve2, QuadricCurve
- SameSign() : Math
- Sample() : AnalyticScalarField2, AnalyticScalarField, DiscTile, ExponentialSimplexNoise, NoiseTurbulence2, ScalarField2, SimplexTurbulence2
- Saturate() : Palette
- Save() : ScalarField
- SaveObj() : Mesh
- Scalar() : ScalarPoint2
- ScalarAlpha() : ScalarAlpha
- ScalarField() : ScalarField
- ScalarField2() : ScalarField2
- ScalarHexagonField2() : ScalarHexagonField2
- ScalarPoint2() : ScalarPoint2
- ScalarPointSlope2() : ScalarPointSlope2
- Scale() : Array2, Array2I, Array, Axis2, Axis, BezierCurve, BezierPatch, Box2, Box, Bubble, Circle2, Circle, CircleArc2, CircleArc, Color, ColorField, Cone, ConeSphere, Cuboid, Cylinder, DiscSet2, DiscTile, FrameScaled2, FrameScaled, Hexagon2, KTope, Lens, Matrix4, Mesh2, Mesh, MeshStack, NewCone, Octogon2, Pentagon2, Plane, PointCurve, Polygon2, Polygonal, Quadrangle2, Quadrangle, Rectangles2, Rectangles, RevolutionQuadricTube, RevolutionQuadricVolume2, ScalarField2, ScalarField, ScalarHexagonField2, Sector2, Sector, Segment2, Segment, Sphere, SphereSet, Torus, Triangle2, Triangle, Tubular, Vector2, VectorSet2, VectorSet
- Scaled() : Box2, Box, Capsule, Cylinder, Diamond2, Ellipse2, Matrix2, PointCurve2, Polygon2, QuadricSurface, Ray, RayStep, Segment, Sphere, Tetrahedra, Vector2, Vector, VectorSet2
- ScaledCentered() : Box2
- ScaledNorm() : ScalarField2
- ScaledTo() : Box2
- Scales() : Scales
- ScaleTo() : Palette
- Scaling() : FrameScaled2, FrameScaled
- Scramble() : DiscTile
- Second() : BezierCurve, Cubic, Nonic, Octic, Quartic, Quintic, Septic, Sextic
- Sector() : Hexagon2, Pentagon2, Sector
- Sector2() : Sector2
- Seed() : Random, RandomFast
- Seeds() : EdenGrowth2
- Segment() : Segment
- Segment2() : Segment2
- SegmentSet2() : SegmentSet2
- SegmentSize() : SegmentSet2
- SelfOp() : ScalarField2
- Septic() : Septic
- Set() : VectorField2, VectorField
- SetAlpha() : ScalarAlpha
- SetApproximation() : Aa
- SetAt() : Camera
- SetBorder() : ScalarField2
- SetColor() : MeshColor
- SetCubic() : Box2, Box
- SetEye() : Camera
- SetInscribedCubic() : Box2, Box
- SetMinMax() : Math, Vector2, Vector
- SetParallelepipedic() : Box2, Box
- SetPlanes() : Camera
- SetRange() : ScalarField2
- SetResolution() : ScalarField2
- SetTrigoOrder() : Mesh2
- SetValue() : ScalarAlpha
- Sextic() : Sextic
- Shear() : Matrix4
- Shrink() : Triangle2, Triangle
- ShrinkedTriangles() : Mesh
- Shuffle() : Shuffle
- Side() : Plane
- SideWay() : Camera
- Sigmoid() : Cubic, Math
- SigmoidQuadric() : Math
- Sign() : Math
- SignalError() : ScalarField2
- Signed() : Annulus2, Box2, Box, BoxEmpty, BoxSet2, BoxSphere, Bubble, Cage, Capsule2, Capsule, Cone, CubicCurve2Set, Cuboctahedron, Cylinder, Disc2, Disc, DiscSet2, Dodecahedron, Ellipse2, Ellipsoid, HemiSphere, HemiSphereDisc, Hexagon2, Hexagonal, Icosahedron, Icosidodecahedron, Lens2, Lens, Mesh, NewCone, Octahedron, Octogon2, OrientedBox2, OrientedBox, Pentagon2, Plane, Polygon2, Pyramid, QuadricCurve, QuadricCurveSet, RevolutionQuadricTube, RevolutionQuadricVolume2, RhombicDodecahedron, Scales, Sector2, Sector, Slab, Sphere, SphereSet, Tetrahedra, Torus, Tubular, TwinDisc2, Voxel
- SignedArea() : Triangle2
- SignedNormal() : Cylinder
- SimpleInt31() : Random
- Simplex() : Simplex
- Simplex2() : Simplex2
- SimplexNoise() : SimplexNoise
- SimplexNoise2() : SimplexNoise2
- SimplexNoise4() : SimplexNoise4
- SimplexTurbulence() : SimplexTurbulence
- SimplexTurbulence2() : SimplexTurbulence2
- SinAtan() : Math
- SingularValueDecomposition() : Matrix
- Sinuosity() : CubicCurve2Set, PointCurve2, QuadricCurve2Set
- Size() : Array2, Box2, Box, CubicCurve2Set, CubicCurveSet, CubicSet, DiscSet2, DiscSystem, DiscTile, FrameCurve, ParticleSet2, ParticleSet, PointCurve2, PointCurve, Polygon2, Polygonal, Polygons2, QuadricCurve2Set, QuadricCurveSet, Simplex2, Simplex, SphereSet, SphereTile, VectorSet2, VectorSet
- Slab() : Slab
- SlideHorizontal() : Camera
- Slope() : ScalarPointSlope2, Vector
- Small() : Torus
- Smooth() : ColorField, Cubic, FrameCurve, Nonic, Quadric, Quintic, ScalarField2, ScalarHexagonField2, Septic
- SmoothBox2() : SmoothBox2
- SmoothCompact() : Cubic, Quadric
- SmoothDisc2() : SmoothDisc2
- SmoothEllipse2() : SmoothEllipse2
- SmoothingCubic() : Math
- SmoothingQuadric() : Math
- SmoothNormals() : Mesh
- SmoothSegment() : SmoothSegment
- SmoothSmall() : ColorField, ScalarField2
- SmoothSphere() : SmoothSphere
- SmoothStep() : Cubic, Nonic, Quintic, ScalarField2, ScalarHexagonField2, Septic
- SmoothVertex() : SmoothVertex
- SmoothVertex2() : SmoothVertex2
- Solve() : Cubic, Linear, Nonic, Octic, Polynomial, Quadric, Quartic, Quintic, Septic, Sextic, Vector2, Vector
- SolveAlpha() : Linear
- SolveNormalized() : Cubic
- Sort() : Math, Vector2, Vector
- Sort5() : Math
- SpectralNorm() : Matrix2, Matrix
- Sphere() : Sphere
- SphereNormal() : Frame
- SphereSet() : SphereSet
- SphereTile() : SphereTile
- SphereTrace() : AnalyticScalarField
- SphereVertex() : Frame
- Spheroid() : Spheroid
- Spline() : Cubic
- SplitParticle() : DiscSystem
- Sqr() : Math
- Sqr4() : Math
- Sqrt() : ScalarField2
- Sqrt32() : Math
- Sqrt4() : Math
- Sqrted() : ScalarField2
- Square() : InfiniteArray
- StandardDeviation() : ScalarField2
- Statistics() : Array2
- Step() : Camera, DiscSystem, Dla2, EdenAnisotropicGrowth2, EdenGrowth2, EdenGrowth, Linear, Math, RayStep, ScalarField2, ScalarHexagonField2
- Steps() : DiscSystem
- StochasticVolume() : AnalyticScalarField
- Strahler() : EdenGrowth2
- Strength() : SmoothVertex
- SturmSolve() : Polynomial
- Sub() : Box2, Box, Matrix4, VectorField2
- Subdivide() : Array2, Polygon2, Polygonal, ScalarField2, Triangle
- SubNearest() : GeometricGraph2
- Sum() : ScalarField2, ScalarField
- SummedAreaTable() : ScalarField2
- Swap() : Math
- Switch() : DynamicArrayIndex
- Symmetric() : Axis2, Axis, Plane
- SymmetricSqr() : Math
- Symmetry() : Line2, Matrix, Mesh, Plane, ScalarField2