Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- R() : Annulus2, Axis, Box2, Box, BoxEmpty, BoxSet2, BoxSphere, Bubble, Cage, Capsule2, Capsule, Circle2, Circle, CircleArc2, CircleArc, Cone, ConeSphere, Convex2, CubicCurve2, CubicCurve2Set, CubicCurve, CubicCurveSet, Cuboctahedron, Cylinder, CylinderBox, Diamond2, Disc2, Disc, DiscSet2, Ellipse2, Frame2, Frame, FrameScaled2, FrameScaled, HemiSphere, HemiSphereDisc, Hexagon2, Hexagonal, Lens2, Lens, Line2, Line, Mesh, NewCone, Octahedron, Octogon2, OrientedBox2, OrientedBox, Pentagon2, Plane, PointCurve2, PointCurve, Polygon2, Polygonal, Pyramid, Quadrangle2, QuadricCurve2, QuadricCurve2Set, QuadricCurve, QuadricCurveSet, Rectangles2, Rectangles, RevolutionQuadricTube, RevolutionQuadricVolume2, Scales, Segment2, Segment, Slab, Sphere, SphereSet, Spheroid, Tetrahedra, Torus, Triangle2, Triangle, Tubular, TwinDisc2
- r : AnalyticPalette, BoxSphere, Capsule2, Circle2, Circle, Cuboctahedron, Cylinder, CylinderBox, DiscTile, Dodecahedron, Frame2, Frame, GaborNoise, HemiSphere, Hexagon2, Icosahedron, Icosidodecahedron, Lens2, Lens, Matrix2, Matrix4, Matrix, Octogon2, ParticleSet2, ParticleSet, Pentagon2, RayStep, RhombicDodecahedron, Sector2, Sector, SmoothSegment, SmoothVertex2, SmoothVertex, Sphere, SphereTile, Taper2, TwinDisc2
- R2 : CellularTurbulence2, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, Icosidodecahedron, NoiseTurbulence2, SimplexTurbulence2
- R239 : Random
- R3 : NoiseTurbulence, SimplexTurbulence
- ra : NewCone
- Radial() : Axis2, Axis, Hexagon2, Hexagonal, Octogon2, Pentagon2, VectorField2
- RadianToDegree() : Math
- Radius() : Aa, Box2, Box, BoxSphere, Bubble, Capsule, Circle2, Circle, Cone, ConeSphere, Cylinder, DiscTile, Dla, Dodecahedron, HemiSphere, Hexagon2, Hexagonal, Icosahedron, Icosidodecahedron, NewCone, Octogon2, ParticleSet2, ParticleSet, Pentagon2, RayStep, RhombicDodecahedron, SmoothSegment, SmoothVertex, Sphere, Tubular
- radius : Aa
- Random() : Random
- random : Dla, EdenGrowth2, EdenGrowth, InfiniteArray, SphereTile
- RandomDirection() : Cone, HemiSphere, NewCone
- RandomFast() : RandomFast
- RandomInside() : Annulus2, Box2, Box, BoxSet2, Circle2, Circle, Cone, Cylinder, Dodecahedron, Ellipse2, Hexagon2, Icosahedron, NewCone, Octogon2, Pentagon2, Polygon2, RhombicDodecahedron, Sphere, Tetrahedra, Torus, Triangle2, Triangle
- RandomNormal() : Sphere
- RandomOn() : Box2, Circle2, Circle
- RandomOrthonormal() : Vector
- RandomSurface() : Box, Sphere
- RandomUnit() : Circle2
- Range() : Cubic, Ia, Linear, Polynomial, Quadric, Quartic, Quintic, Septic, Sextic
- Ray() : Ray
- Ray2() : Ray2
- RayStep() : RayStep
- rb : Cone, ConeSphere, Twist2
- RC() : Polygon2, Polygons2
- re : Annulus2, Bubble, SmoothBox2, SmoothDisc2, SmoothSphere
- Read() : ScalarField
- Rectangles() : Rectangles
- Rectangles2() : Rectangles2
- Red : Color
- Reflect() : Plane, Ray
- Refract() : Plane
- Relative() : GeometricGraph2
- Relaxation() : DiscTile, SphereTile
- RemoveDuplicates() : DiscSet2, SphereSet
- Resampled() : Polygon2
- Reserve() : Mesh, MeshStack
- Resize() : Array
- Reverse() : GeometricGraph2, Palette, VectorSet2, VectorSet
- Reversed() : AnalyticPalette, Polynomial
- RevolutionQuadricTube() : RevolutionQuadricTube
- RevolutionQuadricVolume2() : RevolutionQuadricVolume2
- Rho : DiscSystem
- RhombicDodecahedron() : RhombicDodecahedron
- ri : Tubular
- RInfinity() : Box
- rlength : Cone, ConeSphere
- Roots() : AnalyticScalarField
- Rotate() : Axis2, Axis, BezierCurve, BezierPatch, Bubble, Camera, Circle2, Circle, CircleArc2, CircleArc, Cone, ConeSphere, Cuboid, DiscSet2, FrameCurve, FrameScaled2, FrameScaled, HexagonAlpha2, Lens, Mesh2, Mesh, MeshStack, NewCone, Plane, PointCurve, Polygon2, Polygonal, Quadrangle2, Quadrangle, Rectangles2, Rectangles, RevolutionQuadricTube, RevolutionQuadricVolume2, ScalarField2, Sector2, Sector, Segment2, Segment, Slab, Sphere, SphereSet, Triangle2, Triangle, Tubular, VectorField2, VectorSet2, VectorSet
- Rotated() : Box2, Capsule, Circle2, Cylinder, Ellipse2, Ellipsoid, OrientedBox2, PointCurve2, Polygon2, Ray, RayStep, Scales, Segment, Sphere, Spheroid, Tetrahedra, VectorSet2
- Rotation() : Frame2, Frame, FrameScaled, Matrix2, Matrix4, Matrix
- RotationCanonical() : Matrix
- RotationHalfPi : Matrix2
- RotationHalfPiZ : Matrix
- RotationMatrix() : Quaternion
- RotationMaya() : Matrix
- RotationTwoThirdsPi : Matrix2
- RotationX() : Matrix
- RotationY() : Matrix
- RotationZ() : Matrix
- rounded : Cage
- Row() : Matrix
- rtable : Noise2, Noise
- RungeKutta() : VectorField2, VectorField