CAa | Affine interval arithmetics |
►CAnalyticScalarField | A core analytic three-dimensional scalar field |
CAlgebraic | Trivariate polynomials of maximum degree 15 |
►CNoise | Perlin noise |
CNoiseTurbulence | Turbulence computed from a modified noise function |
►CSimplexNoise | Simplex noise |
CSimplexTurbulence | Fractal Brownian motion from a simplex noise function |
►CAnalyticScalarField2 | A core analytic two-dimensional scalar field |
CGaborNoise | Procedural noise using sparse Gabor convolution |
►CNoise2 | Perlin noise |
CNoiseTurbulence2 | Turbulence computed from a modified noise function |
►CSimplexNoise2 | Simplex noise in the plane |
CExponentialSimplexNoise | Exponential noise functions based on simplex noise |
CSimplexTurbulence2 | Fractal Brownian motion from a simplex noise function |
►CWormNoise | Worm noise |
CTurbulenceWormNoise | Turbulent worm noise |
CAnalyticVectorField | A core analytic three-dimensional vector field |
CAnalyticVectorField2 | A core analytic two-dimensional vector field |
CAnnulus2 | An annulus, the region between two concentric circles |
►CAxis | A core axis class |
CCone | Cones defined as truncated cones |
CConeSphere | Cone-Spheres, defined as rounded truncated cones |
►CCylinder | A cylinder characterized by its end vertices and radius |
CCapsule | A line-swept-sphere |
CNewCone | Cone |
CTaper | Barr's tapering deformation |
►CTubular | A tube, i.e., a pierced cylinder |
CRevolutionQuadricTube | Surface of revolution with a quadric curve |
CTwist | The twist deformation |
►CAxis2 | A core axis class |
CCapsule2 | A line-swept-cricle |
CRevolutionQuadricVolume2 | Symmetry axis of revolution with a quadric curve |
CBezierCurve | Bézier curves |
►CBezierPatch | Bézier patches of dimension n<16 |
CBezierCubicPatch | Cubic Bézier patches |
CBezierQuadricCurve | Piecewise Bézier quadric curves |
►CBox | An axis aligned box |
►CArray | A core three dimensional lattice structure |
CArrayIndex | A three dimensional grid structure with an index set for every cell |
CDynamicArrayIndex | A three dimensional grid structure with an index set for every cell |
CScalarField | A base three-dimensional field of real values |
CVectorField | A base three-dimensional field of Vector values |
CVoxel | A base three-dimensional voxel |
CBoxEmpty | An axis aligned box, same as Box, but hollow |
CBoxSphere | Axis aligned box sphere |
CCage | An axis aligned cage |
CCylinderBox | A box with rounded corners only along the z axis |
►CBox2 | Axis aligned box in the plane |
►CArray2 | A base two-dimensional array structure |
CArray2I | A base two-dimensional array of integers |
CArrayIndex2 | A two dimensional lattice structure with an index set for every cell |
CColorField | A base two-dimensional field of colors |
CScalarField2 | A base two-dimensional field of real values |
CVectorField2 | A base two-dimensional field of Vector2 values |
CDiamond2 | A diamond in the plane |
CSmoothBox2 | A box domain with a cubic falloff |
CBoxSet2 | A simple set of boxes |
CBubble | Bubbles |
CCamera | A simple camera |
►CCircle | Circles |
CCircleArc | Circle arcs in three dimensions |
CDisc | A disc in three dimensions |
CHemiSphereDisc | Hemisphere-disk |
CTorus | A simple torus |
►CCircle2 | Circles in the plane |
CCircleArc2 | Circle arcs in the plane |
►CDisc2 | A disc in two dimensions |
CSmoothDisc2 | A disc domain with a cubic falloff |
CClothoid2 | Clothoid curves |
CColor | Color with alpha channel in RGB space |
CComplex | Complex numbers |
CCubic | Cubic polynomials |
CCubicCurve | Cubic curves |
CCubicCurve2 | Cubic curves in the plane |
CCubicCurve2Set | Piecewise cubic curves in the plane |
CCubicCurveSet | Piecewise cubic curves |
CCubicSet | Piecewise cubics |
CCuboctahedron | A cuboctahedron is a polyhedron with 8 triangular faces and 6 square faces |
CCuboid | Cuboids |
CDiscSet2 | A simple set of discs |
CDiscSystem | A particle system constrained to an implicit surface |
CDiscTile | Poisson tiling |
CDodecahedron | A dodecahedron |
►CEllipse2 | Axis aligned ellipses |
CSmoothEllipse2 | An ellipse with a smooth falloff, resembles a compact scaled Gaussian |
CEllipsoid | Ellipsoids |
►CFrame | Solid transformations |
CFrameScaled | A transformation defined as the composition of a rotation, a translation and a scale |
COrientedBox | An oriented box |
►CFrame2 | Solid transformations in the plane |
CFrameScaled2 | A transformation defined as the composition of a rotation, a translation and a scale |
COrientedBox2 | An oriented box |
CFrameCurve | Piecewize frame curves |
►CGenericPalette | Core class for palettes |
CAnalyticPalette | Procedurally defined palettes |
CPalette | Palette with array of colors |
CGeometricGraph2 | A simple geometric graph |
CHashing | Hashing functions |
CHemiSphere | Hemispheres |
►CHexagon2 | Flat topped hexagon in the plane |
CHexagonAlpha2 | Hexagon with arbitrary orientations |
►CHexagonArray2 | A core hexagonal grid |
CScalarHexagonField2 | A base two-dimensional field of real values on a hexagonal grid |
CHexagonal | Vertical hexagonal prism |
CHsl | Color in HSL space |
CIa | Intervals of two reals |
CIcosahedron | An icosahedron |
CIcosidodecahedron | An icosidodecahedron |
►CInfiniteArray | Virtual infinite grid |
CCellularNoise | Procedural noise using Voronoi decomposition of space |
CVoroNoise | Procedural noise using Voronoi decomposition of space |
CIRect2 | Axis aligned integer rectangle |
CIrregularOctogon | Irregular octogon (in the plane) |
CKTope | Convex polytopes with fixed normals, also referred to as k-topes |
CLab | Color in Lab space |
CLens | Lenses with uniform radius |
CLens2 | Lenses in the plane with uniform radius |
CLine2 | Lines in the plane |
CLinear | Linear polynomials |
CMath | Core class implementing some useful functions and constants |
CMatrix | This class implements 32 matrix |
CMatrix2 | This class implements 22 matrix |
CMatrix4 | This class implements 42 matrix |
►CMesh | Core triangle mesh class |
CMeshColor | Core triangle mesh class with color support |
CMeshStack | A framework for creating an object incrementally |
CMeshTopo | Core triangle mesh with indexed neighboring triangles |
CMesh2 | Planar triangle mesh. , |
CNonic | Nonic polynomials |
COctahedron | An axis aligned octahedron |
COctic | Octic polynomials |
COctogon2 | Regular Octogons (in the plane) |
CParametric | Generic parametric curves |
CParametricSurface | Parametric surface patches |
►CParticleSet | Core particle set |
CDla | A base diffusion limited aggregation class |
CEdenGrowth | Off-lattice Eden growth |
►CParticleSet2 | Core particle set in the plane |
CDla2 | A diffusion limited aggregation class |
►CEdenGrowth2 | Off-lattice Eden growth |
CEdenAnisotropicGrowth2 | Off-lattice Eden growth with an anisotropic growth probability |
CPentagon2 | Flat topped pentagon in the plane |
CPhasor | Phasor noise |
►CPlane | A plane defined by its analytic equation |
CSlab | A simple slab class |
►CPolygon2 | Polygons in the plane |
CConvex2 | Convex polygons in the plane |
CPolygonal | Polygons |
CPolygons2 | Set of disjoint polygons |
CPolynomial | Polynomials of degree lower than or equal to 11 |
CPyramid | An axis aligned pyramid |
CQuadrangle | Quadrangles |
CQuadrangle2 | Convex quadrangles in the plane |
CQuadric | Quadric polynomials |
CQuadricCurve | Quadric curves |
CQuadricCurve2 | Quadric curves in the plane |
CQuadricCurve2Set | Piecewise quadric curves |
CQuadricCurveSet | Piecewise quadric curves |
CQuadricSurface | Quadric surfaces |
CQuartic | Quartic polynomials |
CQuaternion | Quaternions |
CQuintic | Quintic polynomials |
CRandom | This class implements several random number generators wrapped in a single class |
CRandomFast | A fast linear congruential random number generator |
CRay | A ray characterized by its origin an unit direction vector |
CRay2 | A ray characterized by its origin an unit direction vector |
CRectangles | Rectangles |
CRectangles2 | Rectangles in the plane |
CRhombicDodecahedron | A rhombic dodecahedron |
CScalarAlpha | A pair of two reals, one defining a value, the other an alpha value |
►CScalarPoint2 | Internal class for sorting points |
CScalarPointSlope2 | Internal class for sorting points |
CScales | Scales defined as the difference between two spheres, not a lens |
CSector | Intersection between a cone and a sphere |
CSector2 | Intersection between a cone and a circle in the plane |
►CSegment | A segment defined by its end vertices |
CLine | A line defined by two points |
CRayStep | Core class for stepping along a ray |
CSmoothSegment | A segment skeleton with a quadric or cubic falloff |
CSegment2 | Segments in the plane |
CSegmentSet2 | Set of line segments in the plane |
CSeptic | Septic (heptic) polynomials |
CSextic | Sextic polynomials, also known as hextics |
CShuffle | Shuffling algorithms for generation permutation tables |
CSimplex | Implicit simplex decomposition of space |
CSimplex2 | Implicit simplex decomposition of the place |
CSimplexNoise4 | Simplex noise functions |
CSmoothVertex | A vertex skeleton with a quadric or cubic falloff |
CSmoothVertex2 | A vertex skeleton with a cubic falloff |
►CSphere | Spheres |
CSmoothSphere | A sphere domain with a cubic falloff decay |
CSphereSet | A simple set of spheres |
CSphereTile | Poisson sphere tiling for importance sampling |
CSpheroid | Spheroids are symmetric ellipsoids, i.e., with the same radial coefficients a = b ≠ c |
CSun | Position of the sun in the sky |
CTaper2 | Tapering deformation performed in a disc |
CTetrahedra | A simple tetrahedron |
CTriangle | Base minimum storage triangle class |
CTriangle2 | Base minimum storage triangle class in the plane |
CTwinDisc2 | Twin discs in the plane with uniform radius |
CTwist2 | The twist deformation in the plane |
CVec2I | Point in three dimensions with integer coordinates |
CVec3I | Point in three dimensions with integer coordinates |
CVector | Vectors in three dimensions |
CVector2 | Vectors in two dimensions |
►CVectorSet | A simple set of vectors |
CPointCurve | Piecewise point curve |
►CVectorSet2 | A simple set of vectors in the plane |
CPointCurve2 | Piecewise point curve in the plane |
CXyz | Color in XYZ space |