Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- b -
- c -
- c : SDFBoxOpt, SDFCage, SDFCylinderCage, SDFHeart2, SDFMeshClamped, SDFRotational, SDFVerticalCylinder
- calls : SDFTree2, SDFTree
- cell : SDFVoxelize
- color : SDFColor
- continuous : SDFCloneDirectionX, SDFCloneDirectionXY
- cost : SDFNode2, SDFNode
- curve : SDFCubicCurve, SDFCubicCurveSet2, SDFExtrusionNoise, SDFQuadricCurve2, SDFQuadricCurve, SDFQuadricCurveSet2, SDFQuadricSweptSphere, SDFQuadricTube
- d -
- e -
- e : SDFBinary2, SDFBinary, SDFBlob, SDFExtrudedEllipse, SDFHyperDisc, SDFHyperEdge, SDFHyperSphere, SDFHyperTorus, SDFPolygonExtruded, SDFUnary2, SDFUnary
- eb : SDFExtrusionInterpolation
- eCurve : SDFExtrusionQuadric
- Epsilon : SDFNode2, SDFNode
- extrusion : SDFExtrusionCubic
- ez : SDFHyperEllipsoid
- f -
- g -
- h -
- i -
- k -
- l -
- n -
- o -
- p -
- r -
- r : SDFCircleArc, SDFHeart2, SDFQuadricCurveSetThick2, SDFRectangle, SDFRotate2, SDFRotate, SDFRotational, SDFRound2, SDFRound, SDFSegment, SDFTriangle
- radius : SDFCubicCurve, SDFQuadricCurve2, SDFQuadricCurve, SDFQuadricCylinder2, SDFQuadricCylinder, SDFQuadricSweptSphere
- rb : SDFEgg, SDFIsoceleTrapezoid2, SDFQuadricCylinder2, SDFQuadricCylinder
- re : SDFLodSphere, SDFQuadricTube
- reccursiveCalls : SDFNode
- res : SDFTerrain
- root : SDFTree2, SDFTree
- rotations : SDFTerrainLoD, SDFTerrainLoDContinuous
- s -
- s : SDFBoxOpt, SDFLink
- scale : SDFScale2, SDFScale, SDFUniformScale2, SDFUniformScale
- size : SDFCloneDirectionOverlapX
- smooth : SDFSmoothDifference2, SDFSmoothDifference, SDFSmoothIntersection2, SDFSmoothIntersection, SDFSmoothUnion2, SDFSmoothUnion
- sphere : SDFLodSphere
- stride : SDFCloneDirectionOverlapX, SDFCloneDirectionX
- strideX : SDFCloneDirectionXY
- strideY : SDFCloneDirectionXY
- t -
- T : SDFBlob
- t : SDFBubble, SDFCage, SDFConvexSmooth, SDFCylinderCage, SDFDisc, SDFHyperDisc, SDFMorph, SDFSphereCage, SDFTranslate2, SDFTranslate
- th : SDFCircleArc2, SDFThickSurface2
- thickness : SDFPolygon2, SDFSorQuadricTube
- trianglegrid : SDFMeshClamped
- turb : SDFExtrusionNoise, SDFSphereNoiseRadial, SDFTurbulence2, SDFTurbulence, SDFWarpTurbulence
- turbulence : SDFQuadricCurveNoise, SDFSegmentNoiseRadial
- type : SDFRotational
- u -
- v -
- z -