Blob 1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CBlendCompactFalloff functions with a compact support
 CBlendCubicNormalized blending functions (1-r2)3
 CBlendQuadricQuadric polynomial falloff function
 CBlendQuarticQuartic polynomial falloff function
 CBlendWyvillWyvill's cubic falloff function
 CBlobTreeThe BlobTree model
 CTreeAlphaA simple field function scaling node
 CTreeBinaryVirtual n-ary operator structure
 CTreeBlendThe blending node which is the same blend as for Blobs
 CTreeBlendRUnionLocal blending node
 CTreeBlendSquaredHyper-quadric blending
 CTreeBlendUnionLocal blending node
 CTreeBoxBox primitive
 CTreeBubbleHollow sphere primitive
 CTreeCircleCircle primitive that generates a torus like element
 CTreeCircleArcA circle arc skeletal element
 CTreeCircleArcSweptA tubular arc skeletal element
 CTreeCloneFrameA simple instancing node
 CTreeCloneTranslateA simple cloning node
 CTreeConeA cone skeletal element
 CTreeConeSphereCone-sphere skeletal element. ,
 CTreeConicSurface of revolution skeleton based on a segment
 CTreeContactThe contact node
 CTreeCubicSurface of revolution with a cubic polynomial profile curve
 CTreeCubicCurveCubic curve primitive
 CTreeCylinderCylinder primitive. ,
 CTreeCylinderBoxCylinder-box skeletal element
 CTreeDifferenceDifference node
 CTreeDiscThe disc primitive
 CTreeEdgeSegment skeletal primitive
 CTreeElementGeneric primitives
 CTreeFrameTransformations such as rotations, scalings and translations embedded in a frame node
 CTreeHalfTorusHalf-torus skeletal element, which generates a rounded half-torus surface
 CTreeHemisphereA hemisphere primitive
 CTreeHemisphereDiscHemisphere-disk skeletal primitive
 CTreeHollowBoxHollow box primitive
 CTreeHyperBlendHyper-elliptic blending, which is a generalisation of blending
 CTreeInstantiateA simple instancing node
 CTreeIntersectionIntersection node
 CTreeNodeThe generic nodes with some pure virtual functions
 CTreeNoiseNoise operator
 CTreeNormalGeneric skeletal element based on the Euclidean distance
 CTreeOctahedronOctahedron primitive
 CTreeOperatorA virtual operator
 CTreePolyConvex polygonal skeletal primitive
 CTreePyramidPyramid primitive
 CTreeQuadricSurface of revolution with a quadric profile curve
 CTreeQuadricCurveQuadric curve skeletal element
 CTreeRectangleRectangle primitive
 CTreeRectangleDiscRectangle-disc primitive
 CTreeRotateRotations in a frame node
 CTreeScaleScaling nodes in the BlobTree
 CTreeSphereSphere primitive
 CTreeTaperA tapering node in the BlobTree
 CTreeTetraTetrahedron primitive
 CTreeTextureTexture node
 CTreeTorusTorus primitive, which generates a thick torus
 CTreeTranslateTranslation operator in the BlobTree
 CTreeTriangleTriangle skeletal element
 CTreeTubularA tubular primitive
 CTreeTwistTwisting nodes
 CTreeUnaryBlobTree generic unary node
 CTreeUnionThe union node
 CTreeVertexA point skeleton element
 CTreeWarpGeneric warping node