Blob 1.0
CBlendCompact | Falloff functions with a compact support |
CBlendCubic | Normalized blending functions (1-r2)3 |
CBlendQuadric | Quadric polynomial falloff function |
CBlendQuartic | Quartic polynomial falloff function |
CBlendWyvill | Wyvill's cubic falloff function |
CBlobTree | The BlobTree model |
CTreeAlpha | A simple field function scaling node |
CTreeBinary | Virtual n-ary operator structure |
CTreeBlend | The blending node which is the same blend as for Blobs |
CTreeBlendRUnion | Local blending node |
CTreeBlendSquared | Hyper-quadric blending |
CTreeBlendUnion | Local blending node |
CTreeBox | Box primitive |
CTreeBubble | Hollow sphere primitive |
CTreeCircle | Circle primitive that generates a torus like element |
CTreeCircleArc | A circle arc skeletal element |
CTreeCircleArcSwept | A tubular arc skeletal element |
CTreeCloneFrame | A simple instancing node |
CTreeCloneTranslate | A simple cloning node |
CTreeCone | A cone skeletal element |
CTreeConeSphere | Cone-sphere skeletal element. , |
CTreeConic | Surface of revolution skeleton based on a segment |
CTreeContact | The contact node |
CTreeCubic | Surface of revolution with a cubic polynomial profile curve |
CTreeCubicCurve | Cubic curve primitive |
CTreeCylinder | Cylinder primitive. , |
CTreeCylinderBox | Cylinder-box skeletal element |
CTreeDifference | Difference node |
CTreeDisc | The disc primitive |
CTreeEdge | Segment skeletal primitive |
CTreeElement | Generic primitives |
CTreeFrame | Transformations such as rotations, scalings and translations embedded in a frame node |
CTreeHalfTorus | Half-torus skeletal element, which generates a rounded half-torus surface |
CTreeHemisphere | A hemisphere primitive |
CTreeHemisphereDisc | Hemisphere-disk skeletal primitive |
CTreeHollowBox | Hollow box primitive |
CTreeHyperBlend | Hyper-elliptic blending, which is a generalisation of blending |
CTreeInstantiate | A simple instancing node |
CTreeIntersection | Intersection node |
CTreeNode | The generic nodes with some pure virtual functions |
CTreeNoise | Noise operator |
CTreeNormal | Generic skeletal element based on the Euclidean distance |
CTreeOctahedron | Octahedron primitive |
CTreeOperator | A virtual operator |
CTreePoly | Convex polygonal skeletal primitive |
CTreePyramid | Pyramid primitive |
CTreeQuadric | Surface of revolution with a quadric profile curve |
CTreeQuadricCurve | Quadric curve skeletal element |
CTreeRectangle | Rectangle primitive |
CTreeRectangleDisc | Rectangle-disc primitive |
CTreeRotate | Rotations in a frame node |
CTreeScale | Scaling nodes in the BlobTree |
CTreeSphere | Sphere primitive |
CTreeTaper | A tapering node in the BlobTree |
CTreeTetra | Tetrahedron primitive |
CTreeTexture | Texture node |
CTreeTorus | Torus primitive, which generates a thick torus |
CTreeTranslate | Translation operator in the BlobTree |
CTreeTriangle | Triangle skeletal element |
CTreeTubular | A tubular primitive |
CTreeTwist | Twisting nodes |
CTreeUnary | BlobTree generic unary node |
CTreeUnion | The union node |
CTreeVertex | A point skeleton element |
CTreeWarp | Generic warping node |