Core 1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAaAffine interval arithmetics
 CAlgebraicTrivariate polynomials of maximum degree 15
 CAnalyticPaletteProcedurally defined palettes
 CAnalyticScalarFieldA core analytic three-dimensional scalar field
 CAnalyticScalarField2A core analytic two-dimensional scalar field
 CAnalyticVectorFieldA core analytic three-dimensional vector field
 CAnalyticVectorField2A core analytic two-dimensional vector field
 CAnnulus2An annulus, the region between two concentric circles
 CArrayA core three dimensional lattice structure
 CArray2A base two-dimensional array structure
 CArray2IA base two-dimensional array of integers
 CArrayIndexA three dimensional grid structure with an index set for every cell
 CArrayIndex2A two dimensional lattice structure with an index set for every cell
 CAxisA core axis class
 CAxis2A core axis class
 CBezierCubicPatchCubic Bézier patches
 CBezierCurveBézier curves
 CBezierPatchBézier patches of dimension n<16
 CBezierQuadricCurvePiecewise Bézier quadric curves
 CBoxAn axis aligned box
 CBox2Axis aligned box in the plane
 CBoxEmptyAn axis aligned box, same as Box, but hollow
 CBoxSet2A simple set of boxes
 CBoxSphereAxis aligned box sphere
 CCageAn axis aligned cage
 CCameraA simple camera
 CCapsuleA line-swept-sphere
 CCapsule2A line-swept-cricle
 CCellularNoiseProcedural noise using Voronoi decomposition of space
 CCellularTurbulence2Fractal Brownian motion from a cellular noise function
 CCircle2Circles in the plane
 CCircleArcCircle arcs in three dimensions
 CCircleArc2Circle arcs in the plane
 CClothoid2Clothoid curves
 CColorColor with alpha channel in RGB space
 CColorFieldA base two-dimensional field of colors
 CComplexComplex numbers
 CConeCones defined as truncated cones
 CConeSphereCone-Spheres, defined as rounded truncated cones
 CConvex2Convex polygons in the plane
 CCubicCubic polynomials
 CCubicCurveCubic curves
 CCubicCurve2Cubic curves in the plane
 CCubicCurve2SetPiecewise cubic curves in the plane
 CCubicCurveSetPiecewise cubic curves
 CCubicSetPiecewise cubics
 CCuboctahedronA cuboctahedron is a polyhedron with 8 triangular faces and 6 square faces
 CCylinderA cylinder characterized by its end vertices and radius
 CCylinderBoxA box with rounded corners only along the z axis
 CDiamond2A diamond in the plane
 CDiscA disc in three dimensions
 CDisc2A disc in two dimensions
 CDiscSet2A simple set of discs
 CDiscSystemA particle system constrained to an implicit surface
 CDiscTilePoisson tiling
 CDlaA base diffusion limited aggregation class
 CDla2A diffusion limited aggregation class
 CDodecahedronA dodecahedron
 CDynamicArrayIndexA three dimensional grid structure with an index set for every cell
 CEdenAnisotropicGrowth2Off-lattice Eden growth with an anisotropic growth probability
 CEdenGrowthOff-lattice Eden growth
 CEdenGrowth2Off-lattice Eden growth
 CEllipse2Axis aligned ellipses
 CExponentialSimplexNoiseExponential noise functions based on simplex noise
 CFrameSolid transformations
 CFrame2Solid transformations in the plane
 CFrameCurvePiecewize frame curves
 CFrameScaledA transformation defined as the composition of a rotation, a translation and a scale
 CFrameScaled2A transformation defined as the composition of a rotation, a translation and a scale
 CGaborNoiseProcedural noise using sparse Gabor convolution
 CGenericPaletteCore class for palettes
 CGeometricGraph2A simple geometric graph
 CHashingHashing functions
 CHexagon2Flat topped hexagon in the plane
 CHexagonalVertical hexagonal prism
 CHexagonAlpha2Hexagon with arbitrary orientations
 CHexagonArray2A core hexagonal grid
 CHslColor in HSL space
 CIaIntervals of two reals
 CIcosahedronAn icosahedron
 CIcosidodecahedronAn icosidodecahedron
 CInfiniteArrayVirtual infinite grid
 CIRect2Axis aligned integer rectangle
 CIrregularOctogonIrregular octogon (in the plane)
 CKTopeConvex polytopes with fixed normals, also referred to as k-topes
 CLabColor in Lab space
 CLensLenses with uniform radius
 CLens2Lenses in the plane with uniform radius
 CLineA line defined by two points
 CLine2Lines in the plane
 CLinearLinear polynomials
 CMathCore class implementing some useful functions and constants
 CMatrixThis class implements 32 matrix
 CMatrix2This class implements 22 matrix
 CMatrix4This class implements 42 matrix
 CMeshCore triangle mesh class
 CMesh2Planar triangle mesh. ,
 CMeshColorCore triangle mesh class with color support
 CMeshStackA framework for creating an object incrementally
 CMeshTopoCore triangle mesh with indexed neighboring triangles
 CNoisePerlin noise
 CNoise2Perlin noise
 CNoiseTurbulenceTurbulence computed from a modified noise function
 CNoiseTurbulence2Turbulence computed from a modified noise function
 CNonicNonic polynomials
 COctahedronAn axis aligned octahedron
 COcticOctic polynomials
 COctogon2Regular Octogons (in the plane)
 COrientedBoxAn oriented box
 COrientedBox2An oriented box
 CPalettePalette with array of colors
 CParametricGeneric parametric curves
 CParametricSurfaceParametric surface patches
 CParticleSetCore particle set
 CParticleSet2Core particle set in the plane
 CPentagon2Flat topped pentagon in the plane
 CPhasorPhasor noise
 CPlaneA plane defined by its analytic equation
 CPointCurvePiecewise point curve
 CPointCurve2Piecewise point curve in the plane
 CPolygon2Polygons in the plane
 CPolygons2Set of disjoint polygons
 CPolynomialPolynomials of degree lower than or equal to 11
 CPyramidAn axis aligned pyramid
 CQuadrangle2Convex quadrangles in the plane
 CQuadricQuadric polynomials
 CQuadricCurveQuadric curves
 CQuadricCurve2Quadric curves in the plane
 CQuadricCurve2SetPiecewise quadric curves
 CQuadricCurveSetPiecewise quadric curves
 CQuadricSurfaceQuadric surfaces
 CQuarticQuartic polynomials
 CQuinticQuintic polynomials
 CRandomThis class implements several random number generators wrapped in a single class
 CRandomFastA fast linear congruential random number generator
 CRayA ray characterized by its origin an unit direction vector
 CRay2A ray characterized by its origin an unit direction vector
 CRayStepCore class for stepping along a ray
 CRectangles2Rectangles in the plane
 CRevolutionQuadricTubeSurface of revolution with a quadric curve
 CRevolutionQuadricVolume2Symmetry axis of revolution with a quadric curve
 CRhombicDodecahedronA rhombic dodecahedron
 CScalarAlphaA pair of two reals, one defining a value, the other an alpha value
 CScalarFieldA base three-dimensional field of real values
 CScalarField2A base two-dimensional field of real values
 CScalarHexagonField2A base two-dimensional field of real values on a hexagonal grid
 CScalarPoint2Internal class for sorting points
 CScalarPointSlope2Internal class for sorting points
 CScalesScales defined as the difference between two spheres, not a lens
 CSectorIntersection between a cone and a sphere
 CSector2Intersection between a cone and a circle in the plane
 CSegmentA segment defined by its end vertices
 CSegment2Segments in the plane
 CSegmentSet2Set of line segments in the plane
 CSepticSeptic (heptic) polynomials
 CSexticSextic polynomials, also known as hextics
 CShuffleShuffling algorithms for generation permutation tables
 CSimplexImplicit simplex decomposition of space
 CSimplex2Implicit simplex decomposition of the place
 CSimplexNoiseSimplex noise
 CSimplexNoise2Simplex noise in the plane
 CSimplexNoise4Simplex noise functions
 CSimplexTurbulenceFractal Brownian motion from a simplex noise function
 CSimplexTurbulence2Fractal Brownian motion from a simplex noise function
 CSlabA simple slab class
 CSmoothBox2A box domain with a cubic falloff
 CSmoothDisc2A disc domain with a cubic falloff
 CSmoothEllipse2An ellipse with a smooth falloff, resembles a compact scaled Gaussian
 CSmoothSegmentA segment skeleton with a quadric or cubic falloff
 CSmoothSphereA sphere domain with a cubic falloff decay
 CSmoothVertexA vertex skeleton with a quadric or cubic falloff
 CSmoothVertex2A vertex skeleton with a cubic falloff
 CSphereSetA simple set of spheres
 CSphereTilePoisson sphere tiling for importance sampling
 CSpheroidSpheroids are symmetric ellipsoids, i.e., with the same radial coefficients a = b ≠ c
 CSunPosition of the sun in the sky
 CTaperBarr's tapering deformation
 CTaper2Tapering deformation performed in a disc
 CTetrahedraA simple tetrahedron
 CTorusA simple torus
 CTriangleBase minimum storage triangle class
 CTriangle2Base minimum storage triangle class in the plane
 CTubularA tube, i.e., a pierced cylinder
 CTurbulenceWormNoiseTurbulent worm noise
 CTwinDisc2Twin discs in the plane with uniform radius
 CTwistThe twist deformation
 CTwist2The twist deformation in the plane
 CVec2IPoint in three dimensions with integer coordinates
 CVec3IPoint in three dimensions with integer coordinates
 CVectorVectors in three dimensions
 CVector2Vectors in two dimensions
 CVectorFieldA base three-dimensional field of Vector values
 CVectorField2A base two-dimensional field of Vector2 values
 CVectorSetA simple set of vectors
 CVectorSet2A simple set of vectors in the plane
 CVoroNoiseProcedural noise using Voronoi decomposition of space
 CVoxelA base three-dimensional voxel
 CWormNoiseWorm noise
 CXyzColor in XYZ space