- The slides of my talk about How local constraints influence network diameter presented at OPODIS in december, are available here.
- The slides of my talk (Short and local transformations between Delta+1 colorings) at the Complexity and Algorithms days (GT CoA) are available here.
- Our course about distributed graph algorithms at ENS Lyon was runnin in the winter semester running. See the webpage.
- Our paper How local constraints influence network diameter and applications to LCL generalizations will appear at OPODIS 2024. Joint work with the usual suspects, Nicolas Bousquet and Théo Pierron
- A new paper on the arxiv: Renaming in distributed certification joint work with Nicolas Bousquet, Louis Esperet (new co-author!) and Sébastien Zeitoun.
- Two new projects funded by the ANR: GODASse (about ordered graphs) and ENEDISC (about energy-efficient distributed algorithms)!
- I'm (re)joining the Gilles Kahn award committee.
- Our paper Decreasing verification radius in local certification has been accepted to Algowin 2024! Joint work with three new co-authors: Josef Erik Sedláček, Jan Matyáš Křišťan and Jan Janoušek.
- I was on parental leave and vacation in June-July-August. If I have missed your email, please do remind me!
- The spring school EPIT took place between May 13 and 17. Thanks to all the participants!
- Our short paper Global certification via perfect hashing, joint work with Nicolas Bousquet and Sébastien Zeitoun, was presented at PODC 2024.
- I gave a talk at the French TCS days (Journées nationales du GDR IFM), on March 18. The slides are here
- A new paper on the arxiv: Local certification of forbidden subgraphs, with Nicolas Bousquet, Linda Cook (new co-author!), Théo Pierron, and Sébastien Zeitoun.
- With Tijn de Vos, we wrote a column in SIGACT News (invited by Dan Alistarh): The Environmental Cost of Our Conferences: The CO2 Emissions due to Travel at PODC and DISC, which extends our previous note on the topic, with in particular recommendations for steering committees. (Official paywalled version here.)
- Spyros Angelopoulos visited Bertrand Simon and I in Lyon, as part of the Predictions project, on February 26-29.
- I was on parental leave in January 2024. Do not hesitate to send me a reminder that I forgot to answer one of your emails.
- Our paper Local certification of local properties: tight bounds, trade-offs and new parameters with Nicolas Bousquet and Sébastien Zeitoun is accepted to STACS 2024!
- The last graph meeting of 2023 took place on December 7. We will resume in February/March 2024.
- A new version of my bibliography of distributed approximation is available on the arxiv. See also why I think it's useful. :)
- The slides of my short presentation as DISC 2023 environmental co-chair are available here. See also the report here and the spreadsheet here.
- A new version of our Delta+1 recoloring paper is online here.
- Antoine El Hayek (PhD student in Vienna) visited us and participated in the JGA on November 20-24.
- Claire Hilaire (Postdoc in Primorska University, Slovenia) visited us for the week of November 27.
- Sébastien Zeitoun is starting a PhD co-advised by Nicolas Bousquet, Eric Duchêne, and myself.
- Our building was under renovation in June-October 2023. We were hosted at the LIP. Thanks to them!
- ADGA workshop took place on October 9, just before DISC in L'Aquila. It had the following awesome speakers: Fabian Kuhn, Alexandre Nolin, Ami Paz, Eva Rotenberg, Joel Rybicki, and Jara Uitto.
- Linda Cook visited our group for two weeks in September 2023 (hosted by Nicolas Bousquet).
- I was in Paris for the period September 13-20, visiting Spyros Angelopoulos and participating in the GT CoA meeting.
- Our paper Lower bound for constant-size local certification appears in its journal version in TCS.
- Juliette Vlieghe visited us on July 10-11.
- I participated to the ANR grant TEMPOGRAL meeting. (July 3-5, Ile du Saussay)
- The ANR decided to fund our PREDICTIONS project! Thanks to the PI Spyros Angelopoulos for the hard work on the proposal!
- I'm joining the steering committee (bureau) of the French Algorithms and Complexity interest group, GT CoA.
- I served in the PC of DISC 2023.
- Thomas Bellito visited us for a few days (June 22-23).
- The slides of my SAND talk for the paper When Should You Wait Before Updating? can be found here.
- I gave a talk for Maurice Herlihy CNRS-ambassador workshop at LIP6 on June 13 (related to compact local certification). The slides are here.
- My poster for HALG 2023 can be seen here. It is about our PODC22 paper, What can be certified compactly?
- Ami Paz and Uri Meir visited us for few days (May 16-17).
- Our new paper When Should You Wait Before Updating? Toward a Robustness Refinement is on arxiv, and got the best paper award at SAND 2023! Joint work with Swan Dubois, Franck Petit, and Mikaël Rabie.
- Ran Gelles visited us for one week (April 3-7).
- Virtual mini-workshop with Thomas Bellito, Claire Hilaire, and Felix Klingelhofer (March 27-31).
- Tijn de Vos and I are Environmental co-chairs of DISC 2023.
- I made my CNRS application and interview slides public, see this blog post.
- An extended+polished version of our OPODIS 21 paper, Optimal Space Lower Bound for Deterministic Self-Stabilizing Leader Election Algorithms (with Lélia Blin and Gabriel Le Bouder) appears in DMTCS.
- New paper on arXiv: Pattern detection in ordered graphs, with Guillaume Ducoffe (new co-author, from Bucharest), Michel Habib (long-term co-author), François Pitois (PhD student in our team).
- We have a new intern, Sébastien Zeitoun, working on local certification. Welcome!
- I'm in the PC of Algotel (French network/algorithm conference).
- I co-organize the 2024 TCS spring school EPIT with Rémi Watrigant and Édouard Bonnet.
- Our paper Lower bound for constant-size local certification got the best paper award at SSS 2022! Joint work with: Virgina Ardévol Martínez, Marco Caoduro, Jonathan Narboni, Pegah Pournajafi, and Jean-Florent Raymond.
- The FRAIGNIAUD workshop took place in Paris in November. Thanks to all participants and speakers! (Webpage of the event)
- Our paper Local Certification of Graphs with Bounded Genus will appear in Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM). Joint work with Pierre Fraigniaud, Ivan Rapaport, Éric Rémila, Pedro Montealegre and Ioan Todinca.
- I'm part of the selection committee for the best CS PhD thesis in France (Prix Gilles Kahn).
- I'm starting as a permanent CNRS researcher in Lyon.
- I am co-organizing the second edition of the workshop on Distributed algorithms on Realistic Network Models (DARe), co-located with PODC 2022.
- I'm serving in the program committee of DISC 2022.
- Our paper What can be certified compactly?, with Nicolas Bousquet and Théo Pierron will appear at PODC 2022. Thanks to the reviewers for useful comments.
- Our paper Error-sensitive proof-labeling schemes with Pierre Fraigniaud appears in JPDC. (First version at DISC 2017.) Thanks to the reviewers for useful comments.
- I gave an invited talk at SIROCCO 2022 about local certification and model checking.
- One more occasion to hear about our secretary paper: Tim will present it at the MAPSP workshop in June!
- A new paper on the arxiv: Short and local transformations between (Δ+1)-colorings, joint work with Nicolas Bousquet, Marc Heinrich and Mikaël Rabie.
- A new paper on the arxiv: Classifying grounded intersection graphs via ordered forbidden patterns with Michel Habib.
- I updated my Bibliography of distributed approximation beyond bounded degree.
- Optimal Space Lower Bound for Deterministic Self-Stabilizing Leader Election Algorithms with Gabriel Le Bouder and Lélia Blin appeared at OPODIS 2021, and received the best student paper award.
- The paper Distributed recoloring of interval and chordal graphs with Nicolas Bousquet, Marc Heinrich and Mikael Rabie appeared in OPODIS 2021.
- The paper Local certification of graph decompositions and applications to minor-free classes, with Nicolas Bousquet and Théo Pierron appeared in OPODIS 2021. (It was also presented at DISC 2021 as a brief announcement. A prerecorded 15 minutes version of the DISC talk is available here.)
- The videos of the DARe workshop are finally out! Check the youtube channel.
- A new paper on the arxiv: Local certification of MSO properties for bounded treedepth graphs with Nicolas Bousquet and Théo Pierron.
- I gave a talk at the ADGA workshop (ADGA stands for "Advances in distributed graph algorithms", and it is a satellite of DISC). A long prerecorded version of my talk is available here and the slides are here.
- Introduction to local certification appears in the full open-access journal DMTCS.
- We are starting a series of meetings about graph theory in Lyon. Check out the webpage here.
- I gave a "gem talk" at PODC about local certification. The video is here.
- We organized a new workshop at PODC 2021: DARe (Distributed Algorithms on Realistic Network Models). Thanks to all the participants! The videos will be online soon.
- I served in the PC of SSS 2021.
- In June 2021, I participated in the Graph reconfiguration workshop and in the ANR GrR meeting.
- Our paper Randomized local network computing: Derandomization Beyond Locally Checkable Labelings will appear in ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing.
- Our paper Compact Distributed Certification of Planar Graphs will appear in Algorithmica.
- New version of Introduction to local certification on the arxiv (completely rewritten).
- I gave a talk about local certification of planar and bounded genus graphs at the Distributed algorithms seminar of the Bordeaux Lab (Labri), at the COATI seminar of Sophia-Antipolis, and at the pôle calcul seminar of the LIS in Marseille.
- I presented our paper The Secretary Problem with Independent Sampling at SODA 2021, at the ENS Paris Talgo seminar, at the MC2 seminar of ENS Lyon, at the Paris game theory seminar, at HALG 2021 at WOLA 2021.
- Our paper A hierarchy of local decision with Juho Hirvonen and Pierre Fraigniaud (journal version of our paper at ICALP 2016) appears in Theoretical Computer Science.
- I gave a long talk on our paper Graph classes and forbidden patterns on three vertices (joint work with Michel Habib) at the IRIF graph seminar (University of Paris) on the 24th of November. I also gave a short version of the talk at the CNRS Graph and algorithms days (JGA 2020).
- I presented our paper Silent MST approximation for tiny memory at SSS 2020 (joint work with Lélia Blin and Swan Dubois).
- Our paper Redundancy in distributed proofs now has an open-access journal version in Distributed Computing.
- I received the DISC 2020 Best Reviewer award.
- I've been visiting IRIF (Université de Paris) in November 2020.
- I've been part of the program committee of OPODIS 2020.
- Our paper Graph classes and forbidden patterns on three vertices (joint work with Michel Habib) will appear in the journal SIDMA.
- A new paper on the Arxiv: Local Certification of Graphs with Bounded Genus (with Pierre Fraigniaud, Ivan Rappaport, Éric Rémila, Pedro Montealegre and Ioan Todinca)
- I gave a talk about our planarity certification paper in the Rhone-Alpes and Auvergne graph seminar (GRAA).
- Our paper Compact Distributed Certification of Planar Graphs (with Pierre Fraigniaud, Ivan Rappaport, Éric Rémila, Pedro Montealegre et Ioan Todinca) has been accepted for PODC 2020.
- I have started a series of blog posts on distributed network decomposition.
- Please do not use my email adress at LIP6 (laurent.feuilloley@lip6.fr).
- Pierre Fraigniaud and Ioan Todinca visited us in January.
- Bibliography of distributed approximation on structurally sparse graph classes is on arxiv.
- Tim Oosterwijk and Alexandros Tsigonias-Dimitriadis visited us in December.
- I gave a talk at the AGCO seminar about Graph classes and forbidden patterns on three vertices.
- Introduction to local certification is on arxiv.
- Note on distributed certification of minimum spanning trees is on arxiv.
- I started as a postdoc in Universidad de Chile in September 2019.
- A new version of Graph classes and forbidden patterns on three vertices with Michel Habib is available on the arxiv.
- Brief announcement: Memory lower bounds for self-stabilization, with Lélia Blin and Gabriel Le Bouder, has been presented at DISC 2019.
- Two new papers on arXiv: Silent MST approximation for tiny memory with Lélia Blin and Swan Dubois, and Memory lower bounds for self-stabilization with Lélia Blin and Gabriel Le Bouder.
- Early April in Roscoff, talks about Local verification of global proofs at the ANR Estate meeting, and Lower bounds for text indexing with mismatches and differences at the GT CoA workshop. The slides are here and there.
- The paper How long it takes for an ordinary node with an ordinary ID to output? published in TCS.
- A new preprint on arxiv, joint work with Michel Habib: Graph classes and forbidden patterns on three vertices.
- Tatiana Starikovskaya presented our paper Lower bounds for text indexing with mismatches and differences (with Vincent Cohen-Addad) at SODA 2019.
- I gave a talk at the TALGO team seminar of ENS, on 23th November. The slides are here.
- I started two blogs, one in English and one in French.
- Starting as a postdoc in DELYS Team in Sorbonnes University, with funding from ANR Estate, in October 2018.
- The paper Lower bounds for text indexing with mismatches and differences with Vincent Cohen-Addad and Tatiana Starikovskaya , will appear at SODA 2019.
- Two papers I presented at DISC 2018 : Redundancy in Distributed Proofs (with Pierre Fraigniaud, Juho Hirvonen, Ami Paz and Mor Perry) and Local verification of global proofs (with Juho Hirvonen). I also presented the second paper at FILOFOCS 2018.
- I defended my PhD thesis on the 19th September. The manuscript is available here.
- A talk at the PhD seminar of IRIF on the 20th of June.
- Attended, gave talk and presented poster, at the PhD seminar of the French society for computer science (SIF), on the 13th June.
- Took part in HALG 2018 in Amsterdam, early June, with a poster and a mini-talk on the paper Error-Sensitive Proof-Labeling Schemes.
- Baptiste Louf and Victor Lanvin succeeds me in respectively co-organizing the IRIF PhD seminar and taking care of the Semidoc blog.
- A talk for the ANR Descartes meeting at IRIF, on 28th March. The slides.
- New paper on ArXiv : Local verification of global proofs with Juho Hirvonen.
- I gave a talk on my PhD results at the DELYS LIP6 seminar in Sorbonne University, on the 20th March. The slides.
- A new paper on ArXiv : Redundancy in Distributed Proofs with Pierre Fraigniaud, Juho Hirvonen, Ami Paz et Mor Perry.
- First half of a series of blog posts on Semidoc, about the talk of the GT CoA meeting (post 1, 2, 3 and 4).
- Helsinki February Workshop 2018: Theory of Distributed Computing.
- I presented the paper Error-Sensitive Proof-Labeling Schemes at the annual meeting of the French project ANR DESCARTES on 3rd October, at DISC on 19th October, in Lyon on 28th November for the days of the CNRS GT CoA, and in Bordeaux on 4th December for the distributed algorithms seminar. The slides are here.
- I presented some works in graph theory at GROW 2017 at the Fields Institute in Toronto on October 10.The slides are available here and the video there.
- Update of the Survey of Distributed Decision on ArXiv.
- The paper How long it takes for an ordinary node with an ordinary ID to output? presented at SIROCCO 2017.
- JNIM 17 (Journées nationales du groupe de recherche informatique mathématiques) in Montpellier, (14-16 March 2017), with the poster on the paper A Hierarchy of Local Decision.
- EJCIM 17 (école des jeunes chercheurs en informatique mathématiques) in Lyon (23-27 January 2017), with the poster and the talk about the paper A Hierarchy of Local Decision.
- Workshop on Local Algorithms (WoLA) in Boston, mid-october 2016, with a poster on A Hierarchy of Local Decision
- The slides of the ICALP talk about A Hierarchy of Local Decision are here.
- The text Survey of Distributed Decision written with Pierre Fraigniaud has been published in the Bulletin of the EATCS in June 2016.
- Distributed runtime verification in Bertinoro in May 2016.
- EJCIM 16 (école des jeunes chercheurs en informatique mathématiques) in Strasbourg, early april 2016, with my poster about the paper Locally Optimal Load Balancing.
- PhD seminar of IRIF in March. The slides (in French) are here.