Blob 1.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAnalyticScalarField [external]
 CBlobTreeThe BlobTree model
 CAxis [external]
 CCone [external]
 CTreeConeA cone skeletal element
 CConeSphere [external]
 CTreeConeSphereCone-sphere skeletal element. ,
 CCylinder [external]
 CTreeCylinderCylinder primitive. ,
 CTaper [external]
 CTreeTaperA tapering node in the BlobTree
 CTreeCircleArcSweptA tubular arc skeletal element
 CTreeConicSurface of revolution skeleton based on a segment
 CTreeEdgeSegment skeletal primitive
 CTubular [external]
 CTreeCubicSurface of revolution with a cubic polynomial profile curve
 CTreeQuadricSurface of revolution with a quadric profile curve
 CTreeTubularA tubular primitive
 CTwist [external]
 CTreeTwistTwisting nodes
 CBlendCompactFalloff functions with a compact support
 CBlendCubicNormalized blending functions (1-r2)3
 CBlendWyvillWyvill's cubic falloff function
 CBlendQuadricQuadric polynomial falloff function
 CBlendQuarticQuartic polynomial falloff function
 CBox [external]
 CBoxEmpty [external]
 CTreeHollowBoxHollow box primitive
 CCylinderBox [external]
 CTreeCylinderBoxCylinder-box skeletal element
 CTreeBoxBox primitive
 CCircle [external]
 CCircleArc [external]
 CTreeCircleArcA circle arc skeletal element
 CDisc [external]
 CTreeDiscThe disc primitive
 CHemiSphereDisc [external]
 CTreeHemisphereDiscHemisphere-disk skeletal primitive
 CTorus [external]
 CTreeTorusTorus primitive, which generates a thick torus
 CTreeCircleCircle primitive that generates a torus like element
 CHemiSphere [external]
 CTreeHemisphereA hemisphere primitive
 COctahedron [external]
 CTreeOctahedronOctahedron primitive
 CPyramid [external]
 CTreePyramidPyramid primitive
 CRectangles [external]
 CTreeRectangleRectangle primitive
 CTreeRectangleDiscRectangle-disc primitive
 CSphere [external]
 CTreeSphereSphere primitive
 CTreeBubbleHollow sphere primitive
 CTetrahedra [external]
 CTreeTetraTetrahedron primitive
 CTreeNodeThe generic nodes with some pure virtual functions
 CTreeElementGeneric primitives
 CTreeNormalGeneric skeletal element based on the Euclidean distance
 CTreeOperatorA virtual operator
 CTreeBinaryVirtual n-ary operator structure
 CTreeUnaryBlobTree generic unary node
 CTriangle [external]
 CTreeTriangleTriangle skeletal element