►CAnalyticScalarField [external] | |
CSDFTree | Signed distance field construction tree |
►CAnalyticScalarField2 [external] | |
CSDFTree2 | Signed distance field construction tree |
►CAxis [external] | |
►CCone [external] | |
CSDFCone | Cone primitive |
►CCylinder [external] | |
►CCapsule [external] | |
►CSDFCapsule | Capsules |
CSDFSegmentNoiseRadial | Bumped segment obtained by a turbulence-based radial perturbation of the radius |
CSDFHyperEdge | Hyper edge primitive |
►CSDFCylinder | Cylinder primitive |
CSDFCylinderNoise | Cylinder primitive with noise |
CSDFVerticalCylinder | Vertical cylinder primitive |
CSDFEgg | Egg primitive |
CSDFExtrusionAxis | Extrusion between two points |
CSDFExtrusionInterpolation | Extrusion operator between two 2D nodes |
CSDFLink | Link primitive |
CSDFQuadricCylinder | Signed distance field for cylinder with a quadric varying radius |
CSDFRevolution | Extrusion operator around a point |
►CTaper [external] | |
CSDFTaper | Tapering operator |
►CTubular [external] | |
►CRevolutionQuadricTube [external] | |
CSDFSorQuadricTube | Surface of revolution with a quadric curve |
CSDFTubular | Tube primitive |
►CTwist [external] | |
CSDFTwist | Tapering operator |
►CAxis2 [external] | |
►CCapsule2 [external] | |
CSDFCapsule2 | Capsule2 primitive |
CSDFPlanarSymmetry2 | Planar symmetry operator |
CSDFQuadricCylinder2 | Signed distance field for cylinder with a quadric varying radius |
►CBox [external] | |
CSDFBox | Box primitive |
CSDFCage | Cage primitive |
CSDFCylinderCage | Cage with cylinders |
►CBox2 [external] | |
CSDFBox2 | Box primitive |
►CCircle [external] | |
►CCircleArc [external] | |
CSDFCircleArc | Circle arc primitive |
►CDisc [external] | |
CSDFDisc | Disc primitive |
CSDFHyperDisc | Hyper disc primitive |
►CHemiSphereDisc [external] | |
CSDFHemiSphereDisc | True signed distance field for a hemi-sphere |
►CTorus [external] | |
CSDFHyperTorus | Hyper edge primitive |
CSDFTorus | Torus |
►CCircle2 [external] | |
►CDisc2 [external] | |
CSDFDisc2 | Disc primitive |
CSDFCircle2 | Circle primitive |
CSDFCircleArc2 | Circle arc primitive in the plane |
CSDFHemiDisc2 | True signed distance field for a hemi-disc |
►CCuboctahedron [external] | |
CSDFCuboctahedron | Cuboctahedron primitive |
►CDodecahedron [external] | |
CSDFDodecahedron | Dodecahedron primitive |
►CEllipse2 [external] | |
CSDFEllipse2 | Ellipse primitive |
CSDFExtrudedEllipse | True signed distance field for a planar polygon extruded vertically. , |
►CHemiSphere [external] | |
CSDFHemiSphere | True signed distance field for a hemi-sphere |
►CHexagon2 [external] | |
►CHexagonal [external] | |
CSDFHexagonal | Signed distance field for a planar hexagonal prism |
CSDFHexagon2 | Signed distance field for a planar hexagonal prism |
►CIcosahedron [external] | |
CSDFIcosahedron | Icosahedron primitive |
►CIcosidodecahedron [external] | |
CSDFIcosidodecahedron | Icosidodecahedron primitive |
►CLens [external] | |
CSDFLens | A scale defined as the difference between two spheres |
►CMesh [external] | |
►CSDFMesh | Mesh primitive |
CSDFMeshClamped | Mesh primitive with a clamped distance |
►COctahedron [external] | |
CSDFOctahedron | Octahedron primitive |
►CPentagon2 [external] | |
CSDFPentagon2 | Signed distance field for a pentagon |
►CPlane [external] | |
CSDFPlane | Plane primitive, in fact halt-space. , |
►CSlab [external] | |
CSDFSlab | Slab primitive |
►CPolygon2 [external] | |
►CConvex2 [external] | |
CSDFConvex2 | Euclidean signed distance field for a convex polygon |
CSDFPolygon2 | Euclidean signed distance field for a planar polygon |
CSDFPolygonExtruded | True signed distance field for a planar polygon extruded vertically. , |
CPrimitiveManager | Primitive management in the construction tree |
►CPyramid [external] | |
CSDFPyramid | Pyramid primitive |
►CRectangles [external] | |
CSDFRectangle | A rounded rectangle primitive |
►CRhombicDodecahedron [external] | |
CSDFRhombicDodecahedron | RhombicDodecahedron primitive |
►CScales [external] | |
CSDFScales | A scale defined as the difference between two spheres |
CSDFLucieCubicCurveSet2Thick | True signed distance field for a piecewise closed thick cubic curve |
►CSDFNode | Base signed distance node |
►CSDFBinary | Binary nodes |
CSDFBEIS | Bounding volume implicit surface operator |
CSDFContact | Contact operator |
►CSDFDifference | Difference operator |
CSDFDifferenceShell | Difference operator |
CSDFSmoothDifference | Smooth difference operator |
CSDFInterpolation | Interpolation operator. Interpole two IS in an optimized way. Play with the final normal to add details in a simplified surface |
►CSDFIntersection | Intersection operator |
CSDFIntersectionShell | Intersection operator |
CSDFSmoothIntersection | Smooth intersection operator |
CSDFLod | Interpolation operator. Interpole two IS depending on the distance to the origin |
CSDFMorph | Morphing, i.e, interpolation operator |
►CSDFUnion | Union operator |
►CSDFSmoothUnion | Smooth union operator |
CSDFSmoothUnionExp | Smooth union with exponential blend |
CSDFSmoothUnionSphereLOD | LOD Union operator |
CSDFUnionR | Union operator using R-Functions |
CSDFVolume | Bounding volume operator |
►CSDFPrimitive | Generic primitives |
CSDF3DNoisePrimitive | Create a 3D noise around a surface |
CSDFBlob | Blob node |
►CSDFConvex | Convex polyhedra |
CSDFConvexSmooth | Smooth convex primitives |
CSDFCuboctahedron | Cuboctahedron primitive |
CSDFDodecahedron | Dodecahedron primitive |
CSDFEgg | Egg primitive |
►CSDFEuclidean | Generic primitives. , |
CSDFBox | Box primitive |
CSDFBoxOpt | Box primitive, optimized for distance computation |
CSDFBubble | Bubble primitive |
CSDFCage | Cage primitive |
CSDFCapsule | Capsules |
CSDFCircleArc | Circle arc primitive |
CSDFCone | Cone primitive |
CSDFCubicCurve | True signed distance field for a cubic curve. , |
CSDFCylinder | Cylinder primitive |
CSDFCylinderCage | Cage with cylinders |
CSDFDisc | Disc primitive |
CSDFExtrudedEllipse | True signed distance field for a planar polygon extruded vertically. , |
CSDFHemiSphere | True signed distance field for a hemi-sphere |
CSDFHemiSphereDisc | True signed distance field for a hemi-sphere |
CSDFHexagonal | Signed distance field for a planar hexagonal prism |
CSDFLens | A scale defined as the difference between two spheres |
CSDFLink | Link primitive |
CSDFMesh | Mesh primitive |
CSDFOctahedron | Octahedron primitive |
CSDFPlane | Plane primitive, in fact halt-space. , |
CSDFPolygonExtruded | True signed distance field for a planar polygon extruded vertically. , |
CSDFPyramid | Pyramid primitive |
►CSDFQuadricCurve | True signed distance field for a quadric curve. , |
CSDFQuadricCurveNoise | A curve skeleton primitive displaced with a fractal noise |
CSDFQuadricTube | True signed distance field for a quadric tube |
CSDFRectangle | A rounded rectangle primitive |
CSDFScales | A scale defined as the difference between two spheres |
CSDFSector | Sector primitive |
CSDFSegment | Segment primitive |
CSDFSlab | Slab primitive |
CSDFSorQuadricTube | Surface of revolution with a quadric curve |
►CSDFSphere | Sphere primitive |
CSDFSphereNoiseRadial | Bumped sphere obtained by a turbulence-based radial perturbation of the radius |
CSDFVoronoi | Voronoi 3D distance field in a sphere. This implementation uses a distance to the nearest border of the voronoi cells |
CSDFSphereCage | Sphere cage primitive |
CSDFTetra | A tetrahedron |
CSDFTorus | Torus |
CSDFTriangle | Rounded triangle primitive |
CSDFTubular | Tube primitive |
CSDFExtrusionInterpolation | Extrusion operator between two 2D nodes |
CSDFExtrusionNoise | Extrusion operator with star-shaped noise |
►CSDFFromPlanar | Genetric node to create a signed distance field in R3 from a signed distance field in R2 |
CSDFExtrusionAxis | Extrusion between two points |
CSDFExtrusionCubic | Extrusion operator along a curve |
CSDFExtrusionQuadric | Extrusion operator along a curve |
CSDFRevolution | Extrusion operator around a point |
CSDFHeightField | Heightfields |
CSDFHyperDisc | Hyper disc primitive |
CSDFHyperEdge | Hyper edge primitive |
CSDFHyperEllipsoid | Hyper-ellipsoid primitive |
CSDFHyperSphere | Hyper sphere primitive |
CSDFHyperTorus | Hyper edge primitive |
CSDFIcosahedron | Icosahedron primitive |
CSDFIcosidodecahedron | Icosidodecahedron primitive |
CSDFQuadricCylinder | Signed distance field for cylinder with a quadric varying radius |
CSDFQuadricSweptSphere | Signed distance field for a swept sphere of varying radius along a quadric curve |
CSDFRhombicDodecahedron | RhombicDodecahedron primitive |
CSDFRotational | Rotational primitives |
CSDFSpheroid | Spheroid primitive, it is a special case of ellipsoid. |
CSDFTerrain | Sampled terrain |
CSDFTerrainLoD | Sampled terrain |
CSDFTerrainLoDContinuous | Sampled terrain |
CSDFTerrainLoDContinuousBEIS | Sampled terrain |
CSDFTestHeightfieldBinaire | Heightfield define only by tow height value and a profile (to crate falaise) |
CSDFVirtualHeightField | A virtual heightfield |
CSDFVoxel | Voxel primitive |
►CSDFUnary | Unary nodes |
CSDF3DNoise | Add a 3D noise around a surface |
CSDF3DNoiseNoLOD | Create a 3D noise around a surface |
CSDFAddSphere | Locally modify the signed distance field using a compactly supported distance to center decreasing vertex primitive |
CSDFBoundingBox | Bounding box node |
CSDFBoundingSphere | Bounding sphere node |
CSDFClone | Cloning operator |
CSDFCloneDirectionOverlapX | Cloning operator in an infinit line |
CSDFCloneDirectionX | Cloning operator in an infinit line |
CSDFCloneDirectionXY | Cloning operator in an infinit line |
CSDFCloneRevolution | Cloning operator |
CSDFColor | Color primitive |
CSDFFrame | Frame node |
CSDFFrames | Frames node |
CSDFInstance | Cloning operator |
CSDFLodSphere | Level of detail signed field function |
CSDFNoise | Noise field |
CSDFPlanarSymmetry | Planar symmetry operator |
CSDFRevolutionSymmetry | Revolution symmetry operator |
CSDFRotate | Rotation node. , |
CSDFRound | Rounding operator |
CSDFScale | Scaling node |
CSDFTaper | Tapering operator |
CSDFTranslate | Translation operator |
CSDFTriplanar | Tri-planar displacement |
CSDFTurbulence | Add a turbulence field |
CSDFTwist | Tapering operator |
CSDFUniformScale | Uniform scale operator |
CSDFUniformSphere | Difference operator |
CSDFVoxelize | Voxelization node |
CSDFWarpTurbulence | Create a warping based on a turbulence |
►CSDFNode2 | Base planar signed distance node. , |
►CSDFBinary2 | Binary nodes2 |
CSDFDifference2 | Difference operator |
CSDFIntersection2 | Exact intersection operator |
CSDFSmoothDifference2 | Smooth difference operator |
CSDFSmoothIntersection2 | Smooth intersection operator |
CSDFSmoothUnion2 | Smooth union 2 operator |
CSDFUnion2 | Union operator |
►CSDFPrimitive2 | Generic planar primitives. , |
►CSDFEuclidean2 | Generic primitives. , , |
CSDFBox2 | Box primitive |
CSDFCapsule2 | Capsule2 primitive |
CSDFCircle2 | Circle primitive |
CSDFCircleArc2 | Circle arc primitive in the plane |
CSDFConvex2 | Euclidean signed distance field for a convex polygon |
CSDFCubicCurveSet2 | True signed distance field for a piecewise closed cubic curve |
CSDFDisc2 | Disc primitive |
CSDFEllipse2 | Ellipse primitive |
CSDFHeart2 | Euclidean signed distance field for a convex polygon |
CSDFHemiDisc2 | True signed distance field for a hemi-disc |
CSDFHexagon2 | Signed distance field for a planar hexagonal prism |
CSDFIsoceleTrapezoid2 | Isocele trapezoid primitive |
CSDFPentagon2 | Signed distance field for a pentagon |
CSDFPlane2 | Plane primitive, in fact half-space. , |
CSDFPolygon2 | Euclidean signed distance field for a planar polygon |
CSDFQuadricCurve2 | True signed distance field for a quadric curve. , |
►CSDFQuadricCurveSet2 | True signed distance field for a piecewise closed quadric curve |
CSDFQuadricCurveSetThick2 | True signed distance field for a piecewise closed thick quadric curve |
CSDFQuadricCylinder2 | Signed distance field for cylinder with a quadric varying radius |
►CSDFUnary2 | Unary planar nodes |
CSDFFrame2 | Frame node |
CSDFNoise2 | Noise field |
CSDFPlanarSymmetry2 | Planar symmetry operator |
CSDFRevolutionSymmetry2 | Revolution symmetry operator |
CSDFRotate2 | Rotation node |
CSDFRound2 | Rounding operator |
CSDFScale2 | Scaling node |
CSDFThickSurface2 | Hollowing operator |
CSDFTranslate2 | Translation operator |
CSDFTurbulence2 | Add a turbulence field |
CSDFUniformScale2 | Uniform scale operator |
CSDFRBlend | Blending operator using R-functions |
CSDFUnionLOD | LOD Union operator |
►CSector [external] | |
CSDFSector | Sector primitive |
►CSegment [external] | |
CSDFSegment | Segment primitive |
►CShaderMaterial | Wrapper for code generation of a material ni the shader rendering algorithm |
CShaderMaterialBasic | Definition for a basic material, same material in the space |
CShaderMaterialChecker | Definition for a checker material |
►CSmoothVertex [external] | |
CSDFAddSphere | Locally modify the signed distance field using a compactly supported distance to center decreasing vertex primitive |
►CSphere [external] | |
CSDFBubble | Bubble primitive |
CSDFHyperEllipsoid | Hyper-ellipsoid primitive |
CSDFHyperSphere | Hyper sphere primitive |
CSDFSphere | Sphere primitive |
CSDFSphereCage | Sphere cage primitive |
►CSpheroid [external] | |
CSDFSpheroid | Spheroid primitive, it is a special case of ellipsoid. |
►CTetrahedra [external] | |
CSDFTetra | A tetrahedron |
►CTriangle [external] | |
CSDFTriangle | Rounded triangle primitive |