Signed Distance Fields 1.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAnalyticScalarField [external]
 CAnalyticScalarField2 [external]
 CAxis [external]
 CAxis2 [external]
 CBox [external]
 CBox2 [external]
 CCircle [external]
 CCircle2 [external]
 CCuboctahedron [external]
 CDodecahedron [external]
 CEllipse2 [external]
 CHemiSphere [external]
 CHexagon2 [external]
 CIcosahedron [external]
 CIcosidodecahedron [external]
 CLens [external]
 CMesh [external]
 COctahedron [external]
 CPentagon2 [external]
 CPlane [external]
 CPolygon2 [external]
 CPrimitiveManagerPrimitive management in the construction tree
 CPyramid [external]
 CRectangles [external]
 CRhombicDodecahedron [external]
 CScales [external]
 CSDFLucieCubicCurveSet2ThickTrue signed distance field for a piecewise closed thick cubic curve
 CSDFNodeBase signed distance node
 CSDFNode2Base planar signed distance node. ,
 CSDFRBlendBlending operator using R-functions
 CSDFUnionLODLOD Union operator
 CSector [external]
 CSegment [external]
 CShaderMaterialWrapper for code generation of a material ni the shader rendering algorithm
 CSmoothVertex [external]
 CSphere [external]
 CSpheroid [external]
 CTetrahedra [external]
 CTriangle [external]